Thursday 29 November 2012

BEHOLD THE STARFISH.  A symbol of hope, optimism, and determination...  and one we serendipitously came across in an old church two days before Thanksgiving.  Cosmic wink?  Well, I've worn the starfish in pin form on my jean jacket ever since.

BEWARE THE SCREEN.  An overdose on televisions, computers, and cell phones brings totally opposing energy.  For me, anyway, too much time with the screen beast and I feel desperate, pessimistic, and irresolute.  Side note, hotels offer gross and unlimited access to computers and cable television.  

Seems the past two days this pair of opposites has met me wavering on a threshold and vied for my attention.  Transitioning to a new and distant time zone...  and imagining the new and distant time zone as Home...  is an ocean unto itself.  Whatever the universe has in store for we three, I think it intended for us to stumble upon those starfish pins.  The small reminder has lent a large and positive affect here in Egypt. 

Cairo Motherhood Center was a miss, but no big deal.  Onward.  First round of apartments was a miss, but s'okay.  Onward.  The misses were studded with sea stars.  Posters educating on active birthing hung on the walls of the motherhood center and I met a nice woman named Fatima while touring apartments.  She was kind and expressive and has a two-year-old daughter.  I left thinking to myself, I SHALL MAKE HER MY FRIEND.  MWAH HA HA HA...

Other highlights from the past two days include decent pizza, carrot soup, non-violence, hospitality, making the concierge laugh, hot sun, still no traveler's diarrhea, Egyptian youth, 7-Up, free newspapers, and a trip to the movies.  Beware the screen, but I love everything about going to the movies and here in Cairo the experience totally satisfied.  Grand Slam.  Bright lights, not-too-buttery popcorn, previews, usher with flashlight, intermission, and a laugh-out-loud kinda audience.  Skyfall was on the big screen and entertained for a full two and a half hours.

That's all for now, folkssssss.  Starfish, HO!  

Tuesday 27 November 2012

It is afternoon.  I'm sitting by a pool, typing this first post; Justin is taking a much-needed nap.  We're not sure what day or time our bodies feel it is, but are happy to let them rest as they demand rest...  and reset themselves at their own pace.

Cairo.  From our room on the fifteenth floor of Sofitel we see the Nile River.   Our room faces west; northward flows the great river.  Parallel runs a busy street, bustling with a rainbow of vehicles, sirens, and horns.

An early morning lap around the hotel brought something of Delhi to mind.  Wires amid cars, amid rubble sidewalks, amid wandering dogs and dust and shoppes.

Tomorrow morning Justin heads to the FabLab in Mohandessin.  At two we meet up and head to our first appointment concerning the little plum.  The Cairo Motherhood Center...  just the name eases my mind and body.  One of many centers we will visit; one of many doctors we will meet.  "Insh'Allah," said the woman I spoke with as we confirmed a time and said good-bye.  The word or phrase translates to "God-willing" and is used frequently in all manner of conversation, here in Egypt.  It's a phrase I'll take with me as the three of us move forward.

The sun just set, so I'll be on my way.  Thanks for checking in and reading!  So much more to come.